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Our journey begins..

Our journey begins..

As you may know by now, we have decided to move forward with SDR. After much research, we have found Israel’s medical therapies and treatment are the most advanced and researched to fit Ariela’s needs. Beginning December, we are moving to Israel to begin Alia...
Let the fundraising begin!

Let the fundraising begin!

After extensive research, we have decided to go ahead with the Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR), as this surgery has gone through the most scientific scrutiny and has been performed on thousands of patients like Ariela. Especially after our trip to St. Louis hospital...
What is SDR?

What is SDR?

So, what is SDR? SDR (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy) is a procedure that helps to treat cerebral palsy, as these are typically the kids who are affected by spasticity. Muscle spasticity is caused by the abnormal communication between the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and...
The Begining

The Begining

The beginning.. My life started on November 5th, 2015 that when I was introduced to the world. My mom and dad had a mix feeling, and a really hard time because I wasn’t supposed to come for another 3 months! I only got to be held by my parents on my third day of life,...