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We are happy and excited to announce that Ariela went for surgery with Dr. Park, at the St.Louis Children’s Hospital on Thursday March 5.  The surgery went as well as we could have ever hoped.  Tomorrow, Ariela will be released from the hospital and we will begin our next step on our journey. The next step is therapy, which is 50% of the success rate of the surgery. 

 Ariela’s name stands for, “lion of god” and right now she is living up to that in every way. This has not been easy for her but she continues to move forward and be brave in all these new situations. 
  We would like to thank each and every person who has supported us and helped us to get to this point. This is a milestone in reaching Ariela’s wish to walk and we are now one step closer. We would like to also thank Dr.Park and his medical team. They have made this experience as best as it could possibly be and we appreciate their professionalism and hard work. 
  From the bottom of our hearts, we want everyone to know how incredibly grateful we are in this moment. We will continue to keep you posted along the way as our journey is only just beginning. 
Much love, 
                Ariela, Tomer, Lorena and family.